Orphan properties

An orphan property is a dynamic property present in a Genero Studio for Report Writer design file (such as a form file (.4fd), a project file (.4pw), a BA diagram file (.4ba), and so on) but that is not defined in the current specific setup for Genero Studio for Report Writer.

An error message occurs if an orphan property or orphan property group is found. These errors may relate to:

Projects view
User settings in the project file are not part of the current template.
Meta-Schema Manager
The meta-schema file contains dynamic properties which are not defined in the current set of templates. It was likely created using a different set of template files.
Form Designer / Business Record
The form contains a dynamic property which is not present in the specific settings. The specific settings do not match the document dynamic property settings. These orphan properties won’t be taken into account during compilation.
Try the following solutions:
  • If the file was opened in the wrong setup, change your Genero Configuration to load the correct setup (i.e., choose the correct template as defined by GSTSETUPDIR) and re-open the file.
  • If the orphan property is not required, clear all orphan properties by selecting Tools > Specific setup > Clean orphan properties.

    The definition of all orphan properties and their entered data will be permanently discarded. Review the list of orphan properties in the Document Errors view before you clean orphan properties.

  • If the orphan property is required, add the orphan property or orphan property group to the settings.agconf file.