OrderReport demo reports

When you run the OrderReport demo. you select the desired output.

With the OrderReport demo, you select a report from the combobox. The reports include:
A report displaying stock information, including a bar code. This report illustrates the use of attachment and positioning rules, and shows you how to design a report onto pre-printed paper using a background image.
A report in table format. This report shows a table with several header and body rows.
A report in table format. This report shows a simple usage of a table.
A table of customer data, grouped by customers and orders.
Note: Static pivot tables are not yet supported in Java.
Allows you to select which fields to use as dimensions (for grouping) and which fields to include as measures. Generates a table of user-selected measures, grouped by user-selected dimensions.
A report detailing a customer order. This report illustrates the use of the section property, as well as the use of different page headers and footers on each page.
A report showing a text-based list, based on the list template.
A report consisting of pages of mailing labels for customers. This report illustrates the labels functionality, enabling you to print multiple labels on a single report page.
A report that links to other sub-reports.
A report that includes inline sub-reports.
Note: Sub-reports are not yet supported in Java.
Several examples showing a map chart, or a chart that is grouped by one field. These examples show how different charts can be produced from the same data
a report in list format that includes images, totals, and conditional text coloring. This report provides two examples of RTL expressions that control the font color and the "thumbs-up/thumbs-down" image at runtime, based on a field value.
Several examples showing a category chart, or a chart that is grouped by two fields. These examples show how different charts can be produced from the same data
Generic List
A report that provides an interface that allows you to select which fields are included in the list report.