Package a ZIP file

Create a packaging rule to create a ZIP file for quick delivery of a set of files.

  1. Create a package node structured for the creation of a zip file. In the project view, right-click a group node and select New package > ZIP.
    The package node is added to the group, and the Platform property is set to "ZIP".
  2. Add a directory node as a child of the package node.
    In this node, specify which files to include and exclude by modifying the properties in the Settings group of the Properties view.
    1. In the Source directory property, select the folder that contains the files or subdirectories to include.
    2. In the Included files property, specify which files to include. Use of wildcard characters (such as *) save you from having to enter each file specifically. By default, all files are included.
    3. In the Excluded files property, specify any files to exclude.
      Tip: If you are creating the .zip file within the project directory, you may want to use the Excluded files property to exclude the .zip file from being included in subsequent builds. The destination directory of the .zip file is defined by the package node's Distribution directory property.
    4. To include files in sub-directories, select the Recursive property.
  3. To create the .zip file, build the package node.
    The .zip file is created, using the name of the package node as the file name. It is located in the directory specified by the Distribution directory property of the package node. At package creation, this property is set to $(ProjectDir)/distbin.